Experience a hassle-free payment system with EzTimeRental. Seamlessly manage all your transaction payment services right from within our app, eliminating the need to navigate to a merchant dashboard. Easily process credit card, cash, or check payments and refunds, and effortlessly access a detailed history of past payments per booking invoice.
Process card payments
Process card refunds
No need to go to a merchant dashboard to process card refunds on EzTimeRental. Open the booking invoice, view the booking invoice transaction, and choose the transaction you want to refund, whether partially or in full.
Process cash payments
Process cash refunds
Process check payments
Process check refunds
Booking transaction history
Keep your staff informed of all financial activity associated with each booking by accessing the “Transaction” tab on EzTimeRental. This feature allows you to effortlessly track every payment and refund, ensuring accurate updates to the booking invoice based on charges or refunds. Stay up to date and streamline your financial management with EzTimeRental’s comprehensive transaction monitoring.